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Starfield Mods

All mods are installed and managed through Vortex.

Remember to not just blindly copy somebody else’s mod list. Make sure each mod is one that you really want! Because of this, my installed dependencies are not listed.

You can purchase Starfield at Green Man Gaming through my affiliate link.

Mod Category Description
Address Library for SFSE Plugins


Modders Resources Contains a database to make SFSE DLL plugins version independent easily.
Adjusted Teeth Colours


Visuals Tones down the chemically bleached look of clean teeth, slightly darkens dirty teeth, removes the bright edges of blackened teeth.
Baka Achievement Enabler


Miscellaneous Prevents achievements from being disabled with mods or when using the console. Also removes the warning when opening the console for the first time in a session.
BetterHUD - Location and XP


User Interface Less distracting, more immersive, and simply a better HUD.
Compact Crew Menu UI


User Interface Midifies the crew menu so more items can be seen at once. Increases viewable items by 50%.
Compact Mission UI


User Interface Modifies the mission menu for more items can be seen at once.
Dicord Rich Presence


Miscellaneous Integrates Discord Rich Presence into Starfield.
Enemy Friendly Fire


Gameplay SFSE plugin that enables friendly fire for all NPCs.
High-Vis Scope Crosshair Replacement


User Interface Scope reticles/crosshairs are now dual colours with red accents for higher visibility.
I use the HVCrosshair Replacement version.
More Subtle Scanner Sounds


Audio Replaces over 45 "scanner" and menu sounds without the high pitch frequency - using as transparent methods as possible.
No Legendary Pickup Notification


User Interface Removes the additional rare/epic/legendary item card notification, which pops up when you pick up a rare/epic/legendary item.
Smooth Ship Reticle


User Interface Fixes the spaceship reticle looking choppy.
Smooth UI


User Interface Increases the UI files to 60 FPS, for a smoother and less jittery user interface and menus.
Starfield Script Extender


Miscellaneous A tool adding additional scripting capabilities and functionality to the game.


User Interface StarUI HUD gives you full control over most HUD widgets and provides an updated loot list and better item cards with DPS and V/W. Resize, move, recolour or disable most of the HUD widgets. The loot list can show additional columns like V/W (sort-able) and show you the item card for hovered items!
StarUI Inventory


User Interface StarUI Inventory improves all inventory screens for use on a PC. Compact display style. More details in sortable columns. Item category icons. Category as left sidebar. Many quality of life features!
StarUI Outpost


User Interface Improves the outpost interface for PC. Add a comfortable build menu with separate lists for category, building, and variation. Changes the key bindings to be like most other interfaces. Adds an inspect label and button hints at the cursor. And many other quality of life additions.
StarUI Ship Builder


User Interface StarUI Ship Builder improves the ship builder for usage on PC. Compact style, sort-able columns, filter panel, category list, variant list, vertical upgrade list, and many more quality of life additions.
StarUI Workbench


User Interface StarUI Workbench improves all workbenches with a more compact layout, more information, sortable columns, new data columns, custom layout, recolouring, dark mode, quality of life features, and more!



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